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STUDENT HANDBOOK — is an informal quick reference guide that uses student friendly language and techniques. It is coordinated with the New York State Algebra 2 core curriculum. The Common Core Standards (CCS) involve new methods of teaching and learning and use various methods for solving mathematical problems. Implementing new teaching techniques and providing deeper understanding of the content of the course is the job of the classroom teacher.
Loaded with a lot of examples, definitions, and correlations – Digest size (8.5 x 5.5) (ISBN 978-1-939246-07-3)(NYC Item #902486462) - $4.00 per book
Buy as a COMBO PACK with the Algebra 2 Workbook
1 each of Algebra 2 Workbook Common Core Standards Edition and
Algebra 2 Made Easy Common Core Edition.
Click on COMBO PACK picture in "Related Products" below.
(Combo Item #339-073)