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Next Generation Science Learning Standards
This book will strengthen the students knowledge of important core science ideas and help to develop the critical thinking skills needed to make informed decisions. The book overviews the reading, writing, and laboratory skills needed for success. Science - Intermediate Level: 3D Learning Assessments will guide students through the living environment and physical setting material using the Key Ideas, Performance Indicators, and Intermediate Skills of the new NGSS. The book is designed to help with middle level assessments. The first part of this book deals with “Assessing and Understanding” followed by sections of “Life Science, Earth and Space, and Physical Science”. The final section of the book, called “General Science Skills” is about the practices that are used in all areas of science and engineering. All units are followed by assessments useful to both students and teachers as a way of measuring a student’s strengths and weaknesses in 3D learning. Written in a large workbook format, it helps students get the “feel” of taking the middle level assessments.
Authors: Alan Fiero and Joan Wagner
$19.99 per book.
Call 1-800-847-0854 for details. 318 Pages - (Booklet size 8.5 x 11) (ISBN 978-1-939246-97-4)
Don't forget to order answer keys!
Click on picture of the Science Review Test Prep ANSWER KEY in "Related Products" below.
$1.50 each (ISBN 978-1-939246-68-4)